
Artist at Work

The other day, I was hunting for images to go with my post about being stranded outside my lab. Gotta love Google's images search. Anyhow, I came across the pink drawing that I have displayed, and, probably out of sheer procrastination, started clicking away at the artist's site: Nymbus 7.

I. was. amazed.

I am really impressed! I really like Chris Musto's art - his lines, his use of colour, his use of black!, the presentation of his ideas. There's a wonderful boldness about it. Some of the pieces have an almost "grunge" feel to them (like Acid Jazz) - which, if you know me, you would never have thought to associate with my goody-two-shoes-ness. Others I appreciate just for their brilliance (colour-wise, that is) (and idea-wise, too) (but I was referring specifically to colour here).

Given that this was more personal artwork (i.e., not just some vacation photo MS Clip Art), I left a message asking his permission to use that picture for my illustration, and get this: he was way cool about it, as long as I mentioned his name and provided a link to his site (not a problem: see the last line of that blog post). That just blew me away. It made my day! To be able to use nice art on my website - legally (ahem) - and free! Not that I think all artists are snobby and over-copyright-protective about their work. Okay, the first one, at least; the second one, rightfully so.

Have a glance! Here are just a few of my favourites, to entice you to check out his gallery:Anyhow, Chris Musto is located in southern Virginia, but if you're Googling "artist Virginia State", maybe this site will pop up. :)

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