
Shake what your momma gave you

There's this show Dance Moves on BPM (that's Channel 558 for Bell subscribers). It's kind of neat in a lame way. All they do for an hour is show you dance moves! Little snippets of moves that they then string together into a choreographed routine. Kind of neat for the dance floor challenged.


When you start getting them every weekend, birthday dinners really start to add up. One birthday outing is okay, but we've already had 2 since the holidays, there are 2 more coming up soon, and many more on the horizon!

First there's dinner - let's say, $25-$50 per couple (sometimes more, sometimes less), depending on whether or not we use the Entertainment Book (that's a bank account saver!). Then there's the gift; thankfully, this group does lots of group gifts so $10 per person ($20 per couple). And after that, there's the activity! This could be just going to someone's place for cake and coffee, or going bowling or whatever.

For someone who's in school, with no job, little things like this can take their toll on your wallet!


I don't wanna do jack. There are so many reasons why I should do what I need to do, and there are personal motivations for doing what I need to do, but I just. don't. wanna. *sigh*


Here's a cool article on the fat and the fit of the U.S. of A.: How Fat Is Your City?


Class has started. With any luck (and lots of perseverance), this will be my last semester to complete my M.Eng! Yay! Then I can go ahead and forget all this engineering education! :D Hahaha.


Happy New Year, everyone!

The end of 2003 was a quiet one. S came over after dinner, and we watched some odds and ends on tv before starting LotR: Fellowship of the Ring. (I hadn't seen any of the LotRs yet!) Went upstairs to get something and noticed that it was 23:58, so we caught the last 4 seconds of the countdown. Called up a few friends to wish them HNY, resumed LotR and watched World Cup Volleyball. Not very exciting, but I had a nice time, in good company. :)

Seems like most people I've talked to decided to have a quiet NYE this year - stay home, mellow out. Either that or we're just getting too old to party. Either way, it's okay by me. :)