
So much for plans.

Fvck fvck fvck fvck fvck fvck fvck fvck fvck fvck fvck fvck fvck fvck fvck FVCK.

I don't usually swear, but this warrants a good chain of profanities.

I was planning on presenting my project at the beginning of Aug.

I just learnt from a labmate that my senior supervisor is going to be away from tomorrow until Aug 04. Starting Sept, she'll be away on sabbatical for a year (that part I already knew, though). Fvck.

I also learnt from her that my other committee member is going to be away all of August. He won't be back until Sept. After my senior supervisor has left on sabbatical. Fvck.

I learnt that other faculty members are going to be away in August, or are already sitting on several other thesis committees and thus won't be able to take on additional students. Fvvvvvck.

Not to mention, my senior supervisor has conflicts with several members of the faculty, thus ruling them out to sit on my committee. Fvvvvvck!

I have to go find another committee member if I want to graduate this term.


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