
All in a Day's Work

I've come to realise that working at school is good for me on many levels.
  1. I actually get work done. I can really focus on my work. At home, the tv sucks up at least half of my attention. Go figure. :P Here, no distractions, it's like tunnel vision, instead of television. I don't even notice people entering and leaving the lab.
  2. I drink enough fluids. There's a lot of compiling, so I have my bottle of water and lots of Tetra Paks of juice or iced tea. Of course, the downside is that I'm heading to the restroom every 15 minutes ....
  3. I'm eating fruit! Same reason as above. With so much [necessary] waiting, I keep myself busy by eating and eating and eating, sometimes up to 5 fruits in the 10, 12 hours that I'm here.
I've taken to picking up 2 Subway deli sandwiches (for lunch and dinner; reasonably healthy) and fruit, before heading up to school to work on my project from noon (varies ...) until 10pm or midnight. I have everything I need, including spare batteries for my MuVo (I find that Vanessa-Mae is the best work music).

Of course, that's assuming I'm prepared. Occasionally, I'll forget to charge the batteries, which makes for a miserably quiet day. Or I won't get a chance to pick up deli sandwiches, which means that I'll be subsidising with crap food and mochas (Timmy H's - mmmmm ... oh, bad! bad!).

It's a double-edged sword, this working up at school.

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