
I stand corrected.

I posted a blog last year, for which I must reprimand myself. Don't bother looking for it; I've now removed it.

It was a post I'd written about my friend's grandiose wedding plans. In the post were words that were very hurtful to my friend, as I'd portrayed him to be inconsiderate and selfish, when I don't believe him to be either. He really is one of the sweetest people I know. He's always been generous and kind, and goes to great lengths for those around him. That's not just what I believe and know. It's a fact.

While I certainly hadn't intended to hurt my friend, whom I consider a good friend, what I had written was based on untruths and on a partial untruth at that. Had I taken another moment to think about what I'd heard, instead of reacting to the "shock" of the story, I should have known better. I would've known that that could not have been the full story, nor the person I knew my friend to be.

And now I've succeeded in hurting my good friend's feelings, which hurts me deeply as well.

I apologise to my friend. I am truly deeply sorry for the hurt I've caused.

I won't ask for forgiveness, because I don't think I deserve it. I only hope that Time will heal the wound I've created.

Let that be a lesson to me about hearsay.

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