

Some months ago, I was MSN'ing with a friend who was about to get married. I've known this friend since elementary school. He went to high school with a good family friend of mine, and so I always heard bits and pieces of his news. In university, we started staying in touch.

During our conversation, I was figuring out whether or not I knew him or the family friend first, and it suddenly dawned on me that I met him in Grade 2 - twenty years ago! (Upon sharing that revelation, he exclaimed, "And still in school, wtf!" hahaha.)

My earliest memory of him is when we were in a Grade 2-Grade 3 split class back in elementary school. There were only 6 of us, so our desks were arranged in 2 facing rows, 3 desks each. WL and I were in the middle desks. We were colouring an assignment or something, and WL was using crayons. The girl next to him was being mean and saying that I could use her coloured felt pens, but not him. That was the era when felt pens were a luxury. I remember thinking that was really snobby of her, and so I ignored her and used crayons with WL.

Of course, maybe WL remembers it differently: maybe he remembers that I was the snobby one.... It was twenty years ago....

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