
Gotta scoot!

I finally got my scooter about two weeks ago. Yes, long awaited for, and then I didn't even blog about it immediately (as I'd planned).

It didn't take too long to narrow the field down to 2 choices, but I hemmed and hawed about that decision for a while. And then it took me even longer to decide between faint gold (like my beloved Acura) and silver. Retarded dilemma of the decade.

Anyhow, after many J-K flipflops, I eventually settled on silver. Since I don't have a camera, yet (that's next on my list), I've borrowed the official website's picture. Of course, I have a black seat, not the Louis Vuitton purse.

I haven't ridden my shiny new scooter much, because I don't yet have a scooter licence, but I use little trips to the store as practice. It's quite exhilarating! :D

Today I rode the scooter to work for the first time. Exciting, and not that difficult, really. Just follow the stream of other scooters. Whee! :)

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