
I've noticed that the past couple of years, I've become a hermit of sorts. I'm not sure why, but I seem to have closed or limited my network, almost like, "I have enough friends".

About 8 years ago, I thought one could never have enough friends. I loved talking to people, mingling with all groups, being a social butterfly. It was the best feeling. This was also the time when I gave people the benefit of the doubt, too.

Over the years, I've lost touch with a lot of people - either for lack of time or genuine loss of contact info. S is quite content to stay at home or to hang out with certain friends, and that's influenced me a bit, too. As well as a couple of creeps who have hit on me.

I guess that I miss the happy-go-lucky gal that I was. Hopefully, I can regain that cheery outlook again, while keeping the wisdom (that made me a cynic, without making me a cynic).

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