
I really admire how some people go for what they want. I don't mean saving up for the latest and greatest digital camera, or even a car. I'm talking about Life.

I just got an e-mail from a university friend of mine. He's solid as an engineer and brilliant as a comic. After pursuing a minor in Contemporary Arts (after his engineering degree), he has now set up a company Genus Theatre with some of his theatre friends; they'll be performing an original work at Video-In Studios next month. (Check their website for info on the group, show, and how to reserve tickets. I'll definitely be going.)

So, my question is: how do you know that you should pursue your "real" dream? What are the guidelines for how much risk one can afford, or what makes it all "worth it?" When do you reach the point where you shake off a traditional [Asian] upbringing and trade in a stable job for one that may not be financially rewarding - or even feasible - but for which you have a passion?

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