
It's been a while since I've been so hooked on a movie (the last was Save the Last Dance). What a Girl Wants has been on the dish lately, and I've probably watched it more than is reasonable. Admittedly, it's a bit of a silly movie, but it's just so cute! :) I'm actually thinking of getting the DVD and/or soundtrack. Oh dear. :)


Men aren't the only ones worried about hair loss. Every day, as I shampoo, a dozen strands of hair that should be on my head end up in my hands. :( And that's just the shower. That doesn't include the hair I pluck from my clothes, from my pillow and my bed, nor the tumbleweed of hair on my bathroom floor! One would think that with all the hair I shed, I'd be half bald.

But at least I don't have a receding hairline. :)


Which do you use? American spelling or British spelling? I usually tailor my writing to my audience, so if I'm writing to my Aussie friends, I will write colour, licence, centre, realise, ar$e ; to the Americans, I'll write color, license, center, realize, a$$.

When it doesn't matter, I try to revert back to the British spelling, only because I think that American is a somewhat bastardiSed version of the English language (I can't stand that words like formulas have become official in the language because kids can't remember that the plural form is formulae. Tsktsk!). But honestly, there are some words of which I don't particularly like the British variant - primarily the "-(i)ze" words like realize and analyze.

I suppose that consistency is the key, and I'd get more scowls from an English [Language] teacher for using half American spelling and half British spelling!


I'm addicted to popcorn. Microwave popcorn.

Not the gross movie-style butter-me-a-heart-attack microwave popcorn, but old-fashioned kettle corn. A little bit sweet and a little bit salty, and not too greasy. I typically polish off the bag (by myself) before my movie or tv program even starts, because it's just way yummy when still piping hot!

S doesn't like the sweetness on his popcorn (yet, he likes caramel corn - go figure), but I think it's the best flavour since ... microwave popcorn. :)


Here's a weird spirally whatchamacallit for you to stare at. Someone said it's supposed to relax your eyes, but my eyes feel more strained than relaxed!


It seems that San Franciscans are dog-lovers. And need target practice. Try your hand at clay kitten shooting. My best round was 8/10. :)


I got a U-Pass! Yay! Free transit for SFU students. It passed the student vote (back in Nov 2002) by a mere 33 votes, so now all students get to pay an extra $92 per term. But, all transit is free. $92 / ($2 per ticket) = 45 transit trips to break even .... Oh boy, I'd better start soon! :)


So how clingy is too clingy? Two friends of mine recently split up. One of the reasons was because she was too clingy, he was unresponsive (not returning calls quick enough, not answering e-mail, ...). So, how clingy is too clingy? Velcro? Saran-Wrap? or Post-It? :)