
9 for '09

I'm not usually one for New Year's resolutions, but I figured that with my life where it is right now, it wouldn't be bad to have some. So here we go, 9 for '09.
  1. Lose 5 pounds
    Through exercise and a proper diet, not starvation. The goal is more to re-establish an exercise routine than to lose the pounds.

  2. Learn to use my camera settings properly
    For a camera with limited settings, I should really figure out why my pictures turn out like crap. With all my education and geekiness, this really shouldn't be so hard. Really now.

  3. Grouse Grind under 90
    Er, to match the '9' theme, yeah. After 12 years since my last climb, it took me nearly 2 hours to do the Grind last fall. Pathetic. They say that the Grouse Grind is roughly your time for a 10k run, so let's do that, too: 10k run.

  4. Volunteering
    I've been thinking about volunteer work, so I'd like to find a good cause to which to donate my time. Maybe Canadian Blood Services or Canadian National Institute for the Blind.

  5. Learn to meditate
    I tried this when I was in Taiwan, and with the long work hours (and me always going to the climbing gym), I'd always fall asleep when meditating. I need to find a relaxation technique that will help me relax and clear my mind.

  6. Mind my temper
    I'm usually pretty tolerant, but my temper has a short fuse. Need to either mitigate a situation earlier on, or learn to hold my temper before I say something I'll regret. Hopefully this and the previous one will help me take the high road, too.

  7. Be less late, or late less
    Been working on this one for a couple of years, and it's slowly improving, but I'm still late sometimes. Need to allot more time for commute (i.e. no rushing traffic!) and... make-up.

  8. Try yoga
    I used to scoff at yoga ("soft sports" :P), but a lot of people swear by it, saying it vastly improves flexibility. I'm not the 3-way splitter I was back in high school, but I'd like to regain a bit of it!

  9. Clutter cleanup
    This is probably the hardest one, haha. It's like a disease, spreading throughout the house. :P I need to get organised.

Alright! We'll see how well I do!