
We are just tiny tiny beings in the universe.


Dine Out Vancouver is back! Great 3-course meals for $15 or $25. After the holiday credit card statements arrive, it's nice to have fine dining on a budget! Enjoy!


My friend forwarded this picture to me - a Japanese metro train sign. Check out the sign first, then read the first comment in feedback.

I think they need a new artist.


Whee! Spending the weekend up at Whistler with some friends; one of them has a condo there. Nothing really planned - just kicking back, gonna walk around the village a bit. Will be nice to get away from the house. :)


I thought that working in Support for 2.5 years would make me more sympathetic to other Customer Support folk, but this is just ridiculous.

My original question is at the very bottom of the e-mail. Have a scan through their response.